About Mainstreet Martinsburg
Main Street Martinsburg, Inc. was officially designated a Main Street Program in August 1992. The purpose of the program is to assist the community in revitalizing the downtown commercial district through historic preservation and economic redevelopment. Being one out of twelve local Main Street Communities in West Virginia, Main Street Martinsburg receives strategic planning, technical assistance, and leadership from the state program, Main Street West Virginia. Through Main Street West Virginia, Main Street Martinsburg offers technical planning, organizational and training assistance, and design assistance services for building façade improvements and maintenance. Main Street West Virginia also acts as a liaison with other state agencies in addition to its parent organization, the National Main Street Center. The National Main Street Center, which was established in 1980, is in turn a program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. National Main Street Center sponsors workshops and conferences, publishes training materials, offers a certification program in professional downtown management, produces the Great American Main Street Awards, and operates the National Main Street Network, a membership program that helps communities learn from each others experiences. Today the Main Street Program works with more than 1600 towns and cities across the country. The key to the Main Street success in downtown revitalization is the Main Street Four Point Approach: